For struts2 tags, checkout

The problem I have with displaytag is that in an effort to satisfy everyone's needs, it is infinitely configurable. IMHO, that makes it hard to figure out and hard to use. The other issue we had with display tags is that with struts2, it isn't backed by a freemarker template. Every other built-in tag in struts2 is backed by a freemarker template, which is a much better solution to customization issue. In the simple case, it will be simple, but it will also let you do the more complicated scenerio.

Also checkout if your using spring.

Gareth Evans wrote:
Hi Andrew,

I suggest using displaytag with its external paging and sorting features


Andrew Martin wrote:
I am interested to know the ‘best’ practice for navigating through long lists. At the moment we have implemented Struts-layout for this purpose. Our implementation currently retrieves the full dataset and uses Struts-layout sorting and navigation pager options to navigate through the results. However the drawback of this approach is in performance as our application will contain long lists.

I have read many articles and browsed many forums but haven’t yet been able to find a ‘best practice’ or ideal approach.


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