Before, I had no problems with this, but all of a sudden, errors appear in my 
console window.

I have 2 resource bundles, one with captions and titles and 1 with error 
messages.  To use them, I found this on the net:
<fmt:setBundle basename="adminLabels" var="adminLabels" scope="session" />

To use a specific resource bundle in my application, I simply had to type: 
<fmt:message key="title" bundle="${adminLabels} />

So far, so good.  Recently, I started to use JSTL 1.1, and now I receive the 
following error:
According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute bundle does not 
accept any expressions

Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I have to do, to make this 



Björn De Bakker 


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