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Dirk Hesse wrote:
> On the detailview he is clicking the Cancel button and will be
> redirected back to the listItemsAction with the listForm.

When you press CANCEL, which action receives the request? I would
imaging something like SaveDetailAction. When you check for cancel and
redirect, are you sure that you are doing a REDIRECT and not a FORWARD?

If you do a forward, things might get a bit messy.

> Both forms are
> different except in two cases...they have two fields with the same
> name(employee and title) and these fields are filled from the detailForm
> even though they was not before.
> It seems as if the actionForm form is holding each propertyfield as long
> as i stay on the same request.

That's true. If you submit a request parameter like "name" and then
process the request using SaveDetailAction (which uses DetailForm), then
your DetailForm for the request will have DetailForm.setName() called.
If you then forward (/not/ redirect) to ListThingsAction (which uses
ListForm), then ListForm.setName() will be called in preparation for
handling the form.

What you want to do is REDIRECT from SaveDetailAction to
ListThingsAction (use <forward name="cancel" path="..." redirect="true"
/>), and then you'll get a fresh request. Don't forget to add any
necessary request parameters to get back to the same list view that you
were seeing before.

I hope that helps,
- -chris
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