Can I use a parameter instead of a hard coded value in the mappings of a
If so, how?

What I mean is:

I have a config file that looks like so:
   <action path="/myAction" type="com.softrek.conference.MyAction"
           name=" myForm" scope="request"
           validate="false" >
       <forward name="winMoney" redirect="true" path="winner.jsp" />
       <forward name="loser" path="thankYou.jsp" />

This requires an Action that has exactly

'winMoney' and 'loser' as the strings in the mapping.findForward().
Can I use some sort of ForwardNames.WIN_MONEY instead? Or any other
parameter that will keep the strings identical. Ideally with only one place
to modify the string if it changes.

Is this possible? How?

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