--- bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For instance, if my domain object is Customer, what
> would be the consequences and benefits of using
> modelDriven with a getModel() that returns an
> instance of Customer, versus having a getCustomer()
> property on my action object?

The model is put on the stack so you can directly
access its properties. ScopedModelDriven is handy as
well; it allowed me to implement some minor wizard-y
funtionality very easily. If your model changes the
presentation side doesn't (except for property
changes, obviously, and the Action may change).

I liked it for ScopedModelDriven, although I
discovered it after I had already implemented the
exact same functionality in one of my apps :/

I'd also like to know of any other advantages of
ModelDriven; I've had the same question in the back of
my mind for awhile.


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