On 2/28/07 11:06 AM, "John Trollinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to use struts 2 and can not figure out how to do the following
> that I could in struts 1.3
> <logic:iterate name="person" property="addresses" id="address"
> indexId="ctr">
> <html:text name="address" property="addrLineOne" indexed="true" />
> <html:text name="address" property="addrLineTwo" indexed="true" />
> <html:hidden name="address" property="id" indexed="true"/>
> </logic:iterate>
> is there still a way to do this in struts 2 so I can update / add / remove
> child list objects?

I've only done a little development with Struts 1, over 1.5 years ago. I'm
not sure if this would apply, but look at:


I wrote that when I started working with Struts 2. There is also a comment
in there with a link to a WW thread on the Opensymphony forum that has a
different technique, that seems simpler. I haven't tried the suggested
method yet. When I get time I will write up an explanation of that if I get
it working to my liking.


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