>> From: GulliGulli Bob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> my struts application works fine before I put the
>> jfree-chart jars
>> (jfreechart-1.0.4.jar, jcommon-1.0.8.jar,
>> gnujaxp.jar) in the classpath.
>> Now I get the following errors:
>> org.apache.commons.digester.Digester getParser
>> SCHWERWIEGEND: Digester.getParser:
>> org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException:
>> http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/dynamic
>>        at
Dave Newton wrote:
I would find it more likely that gnujaxp is the
culprit, particularly since the stack trace references
it explicitly, but I don't know what's in jcommon.

I think that the gnujaxp.jar specifies a SAXParserFactory implementation via the file:


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