Swaminathan Subramanian wrote:
        I am working on application using Struts 1.0. I am trying to display an 
ArrayList of complex objects using the logic:iterate tag.
Here's some more details -

        Action class
        FileObj[] objFiles = null;
        objFiles = intf.getFiles(ctx, filename);

        I tried several approaches as mentioned in different posts but I am not 
able to display this ArrayList of FileObjects. If somebody could outline a list 
        of steps to be followed to do this, I would apprecuate it.
Thanks in advance!

Well, you'll need to expose the objFiles property to the JSP somehow (by putting it in request/session scope, or in your form bean, for example). Asuming you've done that, and that you have appropriate getters on your FileObj, you can access it like this:

<logic:iterate id="file" name="yourFileObjRef">
    <bean:write name="file" property="fileName"/>


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