On 3/11/07 2:49 PM, "Ian Roughley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No - what I said was that I would be surprised if the <s:form> s2 tag
> DOES NOT generate a HTML <form> tag.  This was in response to your
> comment "Also, is counter-intuitive for html users that a <s:form>
> actually renders a table, instead of simply render a <form> tag" - which
> implies that no HTML <form> tag is generated for the s2 <s:form> tag.

Not a communications guru here, but I wouldn't have taken away from his
statement that the s:form tag didn't generate a form tag. Quite the
opposite. Saying, "instead of simply render a <form> tag," to me implies
that the <form> tag was there but no in a simple sense.

Just my $0.02 on a Sunday afternoon. What am I doing here again?


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