I'm still using struts 1.1 and your struts config/form is really different from what I used to do.
But, in struts 1.1, we had to add
in the struts-config on the action ...

your struts-config doesn't have any.

Maybe ...


Balazs Michnay a écrit :
Dear Struts Users,
I'm relatively new to Struts and am trying to get the Validation Framework working without success. I've read several tutorials and articles on using it, but it just doesn't want to work. I'm using NetBeans 5.5, so that I can use Struts 1.2.9.
Having set everything, I get no error messages from the Sun Java Application 
Server 9, it just simply does not do any validation. It skips the validating my 
form and forwards me to the JSP page that should open only on successful 
I don't attach the sources, because the zip file is too big, but I share it 
with you:
http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/~michnay/struts/SZTGKR.ZIP My form should only validate a textarea html control.
Do I need to do any special settings in NetBeans or do I miss some settings?
Since it's been about 4 days I'm trying to get it working I'd be grateful if someone would please take a look at my form and my validation settings. Thanks for your reply, Regards, michnay

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Mike Baroukh

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