
If you want to escape HTML, you can use Jakarta Commons-Lang
StringEscapeUtils class :

Personally, I am using the Radeox Wiki engine
(http://www.radeox.org/space/start) to render all of my free-form text


Le jeudi 15 mars 2007 à 01:15 -0400, Joseph McGranaghan a écrit :
> Are you allowing the user to redisplay any entered HTML ala myspace?
> I'm working on a solution for this right now. For this situation, I'm 
> filtering it in action before it is saved to DB.
> Here are some REs and a simple function:
> private final static String XSS_BIG_OBJECTS_FILTER = 
> "(((<\\s*[Aa][Pp][Pp][Ll][Ee][Tt].*>.*<\\s*/.*[Aa][Pp][Pp][Ll][Ee][Tt]\\s*>)|(<\\s*[Aa][Pp][Pp][Ll][Ee][Tt].*/\\s*>))|"+
> "((<\\s*[Oo][Bb][Jj][Ee][Cc][Tt].*>.*<\\s*/.*[Oo][Bb][Jj][Ee][Cc][Tt]\\s*>)|(<\\s*[Oo][Bb][Jj][Ee][Cc][Tt].*/\\s*>))|"+
> "((<\\s*[Ss][Cc][Rr][Ii][Pp][Tt].*>.*<\\s*/.*[Ss][Cc][Rr][Ii][Pp][Tt]\\s*>)|(<\\s*[Ss][Cc][Rr][Ii][Pp][Tt].*/\\s*>))|"+
> "((<\\s*[Ee][Mm][Bb][Ee][Dd].*>.*<\\s*/.*[Ee][Mm][Bb][Ee][Dd]\\s*>)|(<\\s*[Ee][Mm][Bb][Ee][Dd].*/\\s*>))|"+
> "(=\\s*[\"\']*\\s*[Jj][Aa][Vv][Aa][Ss][Cc][Rr][Ii][Pp][Tt]\\s*:.*[\"\']))";
>     private final static String XSS_BIG_TAGS_FILTER = 
> "(((<\\s*[Ss][Ee][Rr][Vv][Ee][Rr].*>.*<\\s*/.*[Ss][Ee][Rr][Vv][Ee][Rr]\\s*>)|(<\\s*[Ss][Ee][Rr][Vv][Ee][Rr].*/\\s*>))|"+
> "((<\\s*[Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee].*>.*<\\s*/.*[Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee]\\s*>)|(<\\s*[Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee].*/\\s*>))|"+
> "((<\\s*[Ii][Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee].*>.*<\\s*/.*[Ii][Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee]\\s*>)|(<\\s*[Ii][Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee].*/\\s*>))|"+
> "((<\\s*[Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ss][Ee][Tt].*>.*<\\s*/.*[Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ss][Ee][Tt]\\s*>)|(<\\s*[Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ss][Ee][Tt].*/\\s*>)))";
>     /*
>      *  No relative URLs
>      *  No cross-domain URLs
>      *
>      *  Tags ( a,img,form,ilayer )
>      */
>     private final static String XSS_NOT_HTTP_RE = 
> "([^Hh]|[Hh][^Tt]|[Hh][Tt][^Tt]|[Hh][Tt][Tt][^Pp])*";
>     private final static String 
> "((<\\s*[Aa].*[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff]\\s*=.*"+XSS_NOT_HTTP_RE+".*>.*>)|"+
> "(<\\s*[Aa].*[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff]\\s*=.*[Ee]-[Cc][Oo][Aa][Ll][Ee][Ss][Cc][Ee].*>.*>))";
>     /*
>      *  handle img|ilayer src attributes
>      */
>     private final static String XSS_NOT_RELATIVE_NOR_XDOMAIN_SRC_FILTER 
> = 
> "((<\\s*[Ii]([Mm][Gg]|[Ll][Aa][Yy][Ee][Rr]).*[Ss][Rr][Cc]\\s*=.*"+XSS_NOT_HTTP_RE+".*>.*>)|"+
> "(<\\s*[Ii]([Mm][Gg]|[Ll][Aa][Yy][Ee][Rr]).*[Ss][Rr][Cc]\\s*=.*[Ee]-[Cc][Oo][Aa][Ll][Ee][Ss][Cc][Ee].*>.*>))";
>     /*
>      *  form tags allowed, but action cannot be relative or xdomain
>      */
>     private final static String XSS_FORMS_FILTER = 
> "((<\\s*[Ff][Oo][Rr][Mm].*[Aa][Cc][Tt][Ii][Oo][Nn]\\s*=.*"+XSS_NOT_HTTP_RE+".*>.*<\\s*/\\s*[Ff][Oo][Rr][Mm]\\s*>)|"+
> "(<\\s*[Ff][Oo][Rr][Mm].*[Aa][Cc][Tt][Ii][Oo][Nn]\\s*=.*[Ee]-[Cc][Oo][Aa][Ll][Ee][Ss][Cc][Ee].*>.*<\\s*/\\s*[Ff][Oo][Rr][Mm]\\s*>))";
>     /*
>      *  target attributes need to be replaced with target='_blank'
>      */
>     private final static String XSS_TARGET_ATTRIBUTES_FILTER = 
> "\\s*[Tt][Aa][Rr][Gg][Ee][Tt]\\s*=\\s*((\'.*\')|(\".*\")|(_.*\\s*))";
>     private final static String BLANK_TARGET = " target=_blank ";
> private String filterForHTMLRedisplay(String html){
>         String filtered = null;
>         try{
>             RE reObjects = new RE(FormUtils.XSS_BIG_OBJECTS_FILTER);
>             filtered = reObjects.subst(html," ");
>             RE reTags = new RE(FormUtils.XSS_BIG_TAGS_FILTER);
>             filtered = reTags.subst(filtered," ");
>             RE reLinks = new 
>             filtered = reLinks.subst(filtered," ");
>             RE reSrc = new 
>             filtered = reSrc.subst(filtered," ");
>             RE reForms = new RE(FormUtils.XSS_FORMS_FILTER);
>             filtered = reForms.subst(filtered," ");
>             RE reTarget = new RE(FormUtils.XSS_TARGET_ATTRIBUTES_FILTER);
>             filtered = reTarget.subst(filtered,FormUtils.BLANK_TARGET);
>         }catch(Exception e){
>             if(DEBUG){
>                 System.out.println("\nFormUtils.filterForHTMLRedisplay: 
> "+e.getMessage()+"\n");
>             }
>         }
>         if(filtered==null){
>             return ("");
>         }else{
>             return ("\n<!--NO_EVAL-->\n\n"+filtered);
>         }
>     }
> Again, I did most of this tonight so I haven't even ran it yet.
> But I'd love some feedback if I'm fundamentally wrong.
> Oh, the <!--NO_EVAL--> thing is so my AJAX execScript function knows not to
> eval() any of this, just incase my REs don't catch everything.
> -Joe
> rapsy wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I am trying to find a best solution to prevent Cross site scripting attacks.
> > I wrote a method to filter out all the bad characters. But my questions is
> > where should I call this method?
> > AT the form level, in setters method r action level or use a filter.
> >
> > I think filter is a good option but I am not sure how to implement that.
> >
> > Any help is appreciated!
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >   
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