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Joseph McGranaghan wrote:
> Ok, this is my argument for filtering input:

(Note that I'm sure we can argue all day over whether input vs. output
filtering is better; I'd prefer to state my opinion and get on with it).

> 1) I don't want bad code (javascript or other) making into my db in the
> first place, ever.

You can't prevent this unless you are sure your cleansing algorithm is
correct. If you are confident in your cleansing algorithm and you feel
better about input filtering, go ahead and do it. I'm certainly not
going to stop you.

> 5) My XSS stuff is in one class, easy to maintain.

This should be a given.

> I guess I just don't see an argument for filtering it on the way out.
> What if you miss something?

What if you miss something on the way out? If you miss something on tht
way out, you could easily have missed it on the way in. This is not a
valid question.

I assert that it's easier (in real practice) to modify an output
cleanser than an input cleanser, since you have to go back and re-clean
all your old data. That's pretty much it. App servers scale
horizontally; if you can't afford the CPU cycles to clean on output with
your current deployment, then buy more app servers. DB servers are
trickier, and when you need to re-clean a great deal of data in your
database, the CPU cycle cost is much more.

- -chris
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