Your saying that any S1 app using Tiles can't, based on your experience, be run with part of it being S2-based, in the same WAR? Could you describe more what the problems you encountered were? I was considering doing this for one app I have, the only one I've ever used Tiles in actually, and it would be really nice to know what you found, since I don't think it's an especially unique or special thing to think about doing.


doktora wrote:
I just wanted to inform anyone out there that may be thinking of migrating to
Struts2 in a gradual way -- by having both S1 and S2 in the same war -- do
not try this at home, if you are using Tiles.

It is a futile excercise which cost me 24 man-hours.

The best approach would be to do a complete port of your app to S2 and T2!

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
Java Web Parts -
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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