On 4/6/07, Crawford, Preston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm sure many of you know about this. The originally IE specific attribute
"autocomplete", that when set to "off" would prevent the browser from saving
the data in the form for autocompletion later.

I'm working on a project that uses Struts 1.1.  So I have a few questions.

#1 - Is autocomplete supported in later version of Struts 1?

No its not supported in any version - Struts only supports attributes
that are in the HTML 4 spec and has a policy of not adding non
standard attributes.

#2 - If so, which version?

The tags were refactored in Struts 1.2.7 to make creating custom
implementations and adding additional attributes easier. So if you are
going to upgrade then this would be your only option. If you want to
do this in the form tag then something like the following:

public MyFormTag extends FormTag {
   protected void renderOtherAttributes(StringBuffer results) {
       renderAttribute(results, "autocomplete", "off");

In the other form "input" tags the equivalent method is prepareOtherAttributes()

For  notes on upgrading and the issues you'll face then there are
upgrade notes on the wiki:



I know there are ways to do this with JavaScript. Trapping the enter
keydown, etc. and doing a submit. I'm doing that currently. The problem is
that I'm trying to avoid attaching the onkeydown event to the body, as many
examples have you do, because doing this means that even if you're not
inside the form you can just hit enter and submit the form. So you have to
attach the onkeydown event to every form field or else somehow check to see
if the event was fired by a form element.

I'm just trying to support this functionality (enter key submits the form
while in the form, but doesn't save any of the fields' data) with minimal
headache. It's starting to look like going to autocomplete=off might be
better, thus my question.


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