--- Minerva CC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%><s:url
> id="ajaxTest" value="/AjaxTest.action"
> /><s:tabbedPanel labelposition="left"
> closeButton="tab" selectedTab="dynamic"
> id="test"><s:div label="static" id="static">This is
> an static content tab.</s:div><s:div
> href="%{ajaxTest}" theme="ajax" label="dynamic"
> id="dynamic">This is a dynamic content tab. The
> content of this div will be replaced with the text
> returned from
> "/AjaxTest.action"</s:div></s:tabbedPanel>
> But, when I run it I got an error that the attribute
> id is required for the TabbedPanlel. So, I added a
> id and run it again. Then, it populated a page with
> the text strings, but no tabs. When I view the
> source code, I can see the following code has been
> generated:

Do you have the <s:head theme="ajax"/> on your page?

Also, as general rule, you should generate well-formed
HTML. In other words, create a complete HTML page, not
just a JSP fragment, if you are dispatching directly
to a JSP.


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