Hi all,

A system I am developing requires forms to be generated dynamically at
runtime based on data stored in a database. I have read that it is possible
to use map-backed forms in Struts1 to achieve this using something of the
form '<s:textfield name="value(#currentField.fieldName)"/>' where the
associated Action class has a method of the form 'public void
setValue(String key, Object value)', resulting in name-value pairs being
submitted to the Action class.

Is this possible to achieve in Struts2? I have not been able to make it
work. When I use the above expression for the name attribute the setValue
method is never called (I have checked this with a few debug print
statements), but no exception is thrown either. It just appears that
nothing happens.

Is this something I am doing wrong, or is there some other way to do this
in Struts2, or is it a bug?

I am using Struts 2.0.6 with Java 1.5.3, Tomcat 5.5 and Internet Explorer

Thanks a lot in advance,


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