I have a form with client side validation:

        <s:form validate="true" action="myAction" namespace="/" theme="xhtml">  

and an Action with some annotated validations:

    requiredStrings = {
                @RequiredStringValidator( message = "Required", type = 
ValidatorType.FIELD,                            fieldName = "name", trim = 
true, key="error.required")

but I get an error because of the key property. If  I delete the key property, 
the client validation executes ok.
In the package.properties I've the error.required key. 

How can I do this? I want to execute client-validation with key messages. 

I try to create a new theme, and replace form-close-validate.ftl :
    i replace the line:    var error = 
            <#if validator.defaultMessage?has_content>
                  var error = "${validator.defaultMessage?js_string}";
                 var error = 

but the client validation is not executed.  Some themes do not support 
client-side validation. Only useful with theme xhtml/ajax

thanks in advance.

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