> I'd still try it without it, because that's just the way I am ;)
> I mean, it's obviously there if you're enumerating over it...

I switched that directive to <% page session="true" %>, and it finds
Contact in Session context!

Apparently, specifying "true" makes "the session implicit variable"
available, according to a JSP book I have. But if I put Java code in the
page, and use request.session(), I can get the session even though I
specify "false". And it must be true that WL9 enforces this more
stringently than WL8. Weird, weird.

Now, on to the next disaster. I use JSTL tags, c: and fmt: type. So I
have these page directives:

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt"; prefix="fmt" %>

I get this message for both tags:

No tag library could be found with this URI. Possible causes could be 
that the URI is incorrect, or that there were errors during parsing of
the .tld file.

Since I'm in servlets version 2.4, I've gotten rid of all of Struts's
jstl and EL libraries, since JSTL and EL are supposed to be builtin
here. I guess I got something wrong, but I don't know what.

Tim Slattery

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