On 4/17/07, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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Craig McClanahan wrote:
> Craig McClanahan wrote:
> Yep ... it's magic :-).
> Actually, what happens is that the servlet container provides a
> mechanism to acquire the ClassLoader instance for the web application
> itself, from which you can load application classes no matter where
> the caller is located.  For instance, when Struts loads an action
> class, it does something like this (plus some exception catching, of
> course):
>    String actionClassName = ...;
>    ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
>    Class actionClass = cl.loadClass(actionClassName);

I thought that the server created and started those threads
independently of the webapp being used.

Yes, it does ... although there is no restriction that a particular
thread be used *only* for a particular application.  Generally, the
server will pool the threads across all active apps.

I've never used
Thread.getContextClassLoader... is that something that the server sets
when it handles a request -- for purposes such as this?

Yes, that's exactly what it is for.


> The container guarantees that the context class loader for a thread is
> set correctly, before it enters your servlet, filter, or listener.

I guess so... ;)

> There is indeed no way to search down the hierarchy, which is why the
> context class loader convention was created.  As you examine libraries
> for potentially putting them into a shared class loader, look for code
> that does this kind of thing.

Cool. Thanks for the explanation, Craig.

- -chris

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