I asked this on the velocity lists, and they punted to this list.

We're currently using Struts1.x, Velocity, and Tiles for our project,
which is working great.

However, we want to upgrade to Struts2, but Velocity Tools calls
Struts1.2 to handle calls to Tiles, which obviously breaks. 

So, the question is, can you use Struts2, Velocity, and Tiles together
right now? We've seen the examples for Struts2 and Velocity, but none
for the three components (Struts2, Velocity, and Tiles) put together. If
it exists, can you point me to documentation that describes
how to get a reference to Tiles from a Velocity file? For example, a
direct substitution for the Velocity Tools call:

Thanks much,

Charlie Rehor

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