I'm not really clear on what you're trying to achieve, but it sounds like you just need to read the HTTP response from the request you make through HttpClient. Since you're making that request from your action and, therefore, will have the response available there too, you don't need to 'direct it to an action'; you're already in an action.

If you're still having trouble, try describing the overall problem you're trying to solve.


Chris Pat wrote:
Hi Laurie
Thank you for continuing to help my naivete.  I saw two problems: one I didnt 
know how to format and send a forward out of the struts framework, two the 
response will only come back on the port and without any context so I cant 
direct it to an Action(possibly even the same as the pre-processing) to receive 
and post-process the response.  Am I able to do any of these natively within 
Struts?  I have the first part working with HttpClient, but working out the 
second half of the php script getting the response and sending it to my Action. 
 Again thank you.

Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'm still not clear why you need the PHP script at all; why not call out to the remote server directly from your Java webapp? That would seem to be a simpler route.

However, if you really do need the PHP script in there something like HttpClient, as suggested by another poster, would probably be the easiest way to build and submit the HTTP request.


Chris Pat wrote:
Hi Laurie
Thanks.  All I need is to send a HTTP Post request to  the php script with the 
parameters that the Action received, but having done some processing in the 
Action.  At this point I dont care if the client sees the results of the php 
output.  I dont see how to generate something like a RequestDisptacher from 
within an Action even if I just send the client to a success page at the end.

My design problem is that I am trying to talk to a cc processor using struts 
code.  Right now the only way I can send the post to the cc processor and 
receive the response on the same port is with a php script.  So I thought of 
splitting it up and using curl to send to the cc processor after processing it 
in an Action, receiving it in the php scrip and forwarding it to another Action 
for post processing.  I have to get around the fact that the cc processor will 
only send back a response on the same port that the port as the request, 
obviously without a nicely formatted context/servlet syntax.  I believe this 
will work, if I can only get a post sent to the php script which will be a url 
outside of the Struts framework.  I am sure this massively violative MVC and 
probably not scalable, but I just have to get it done.  Thanks for even the 
slightest insight, even if saying it is utterly st
 id, grin.

Laurie Harper  wrote: Chris Pat wrote:
Is it possible to have an Action that processes some data and then posts to a 
url completely out of control of the framework?  I want to process and write to 
a db first and then using the same parameters and any added session variables 
post to a php script, initially running on localhost but eventually on a 
completely different url.  Can someone help me understand how or why not.  I 
really need to do it even if it is not to the spec.  Thank you.
Post to? Sure, you can create an HTTP POST request to any URL. But I suspect that's not quite what you mean. If you mean /forward/ to, as in dispatch to, a PHP script, it's not so straight forward.

I seem to recall seeing mention on this list in the past of some sort of Java-PHP bridge, which may be what you're looking for. Search the archives (or Google) for 'Java PHP bridge' and see if that turns anything useful up. Alternatively, re-post with clarification of exactly what you want to achieve; maybe someone will be able to give a more specific solution.


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