I was doing this sort of dodgy thing at one stage, dynamically writing jsp's to the filesystem

To get the real path of the webroot you can use the following code:
String webroot = pageContext.getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
if (!webroot.endsWith("/")) {
  webroot += '/';

From memory this worked on jboss on windows but I think I came across problems when testing on weblogic or websphere (can't remember) on unix. I was not allowed to write to the filesystem, i didn't resolve the issue which could have been down to file permissions, I ended up abandoning what I was doing.

Richard Wallace wrote:
Do you have anything on the forwarding to a JSP in a JAR file that you
can tell us about?  I'm running into the same situation where I work
and can't figure out a solution.  I had thought that maybe if I
forwarded to something like /struts/jsps/test.jsp and add the package
that jsps are contained in to the filter I could access it that way.
That sort of works.  What I wind up getting is the unparsed JSP.  So,
I was thinking that I could instead extract the JSP I'm trying to get
to the filesystem and forward to that, but that seems messy.

Did you find a good way to accomplish this?


Musachy Barroso wrote:
I'm working on an Struts plugin to try to work around (more like
hack around)  that and other fun stuff :)


On 4/10/07, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
Quick question... can anyone tell me if it's possible to
to a
JSP that is stored in a JAR file (i.e., in a JAR located in
WEB-INF/lib), and if so, how?  I couldn't find a quick answer
on the first few pages of Googling, figured someone here would
off the top of their heads.  Thanks!
Not in any standard way, no. There may be container-specific
solutions, but you'd be working outside the spec.


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