De rien lol
For what I know, the <logic:equal> tag can only compare with a constant
So you have to use a scriptlet :(
Try this :

<logic:equal name="eid" value="<%=colSize%>">


2007/4/27, piloupy GOTTAPIL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> To Olivier :

Here's what I've done :

### CODE  : begin ###
<bean:size id="colSize" name="myCollection"/>
<logic:iterate id="e" indexId="eid" name="myCollection">
  <logic:equal name="eid" value="colSize">
    <bean:write name="e" property="name" />,
  <logic:notEqual name="eid" value="colSize">
    <bean:write name="e" property="name" />,
### CODE  : end ###

But it doesn't work. I don't know how to use correctly the <logic:equal>
tag :-(

I thought I may try the <logic-el:equal name="eid"
value="${colSize}">, but the <logic-el:equal> tag doesn't exist...

If it is possible, I'd like to only use Struts tags, but if there's no
way to do what I need, I'll use the JTSL tags...

Geez, if it was Java code, it'd be so simple... these Struts tags make
me think that I'm a stupid guy... *sigh*

By the way, Olivier, if you're french, Merci pour ton aide ;-)


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