Struts2 Fan wrote:
Hi all,

I have a problem with this type-conversion thing.

I am trying to dynamically fill a table. I have a bean
Person and Person has "List<House>".
What I did - step by step.

1 - I defined "List <House> houseList" in the PersonAction class. (Also
Getter and Setter Methods)

2 - create a file. in the resources directory (the path is the same with the


3 - And in the jsp file I put this as it is said in link above.

<s:iterator value="houseList" id="house">
  <s:textfield name="houseList(%{}).name" />

(House has a String field "name")

4 - The values are not shown in the jsp file. So I cannot get them in the
action too.
But when I change the name of the <s:textfield> to "name" it writes the
names on the textboxes. But still I cannot get the list when I press on the
update button.

I expect it to fill the houseList when I go back to Action class. Is it

Can you see what I am doing wrong or something missing?

Thanks for reading.

I'm just guessing here, but you have a suspicious looking OGNL expression:

   <s:textfield name="houseList(%{}).name" />

I'd start by trying these variations:

   <s:textfield name="%{houseList(}" />
   <s:textfield name="%{houseList(}" />
   <s:textfield name="%{#houseList(}" />
   <s:textfield name="%{'houseList('+ + ').name'" />

Try breaking that OGNL expression out into a series of s:property tags to see which bits of the expression are / are not resolving as you expect.


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