opentotech wrote:
Hi techies,

I have a problem with Beanutils.copyproperties. I have a jsp with a
<html:select multiple="true" property="practices"/> I know in action I will
be getting an array of practices. I am using LazyValidatorForm. In my GP
object I have an array of practices. Practice[] practices. I am using
Beanutils.copyproperties to copy from form to GP object. But I am getting
the following error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot invoke
com.mwcs.par.Gp.setPractices - argument type mismatch

> [...]

can anyone help me out to solve this problem. I have searched many forums
and I cant find an answer for this.

There's not enough information here to solve the problem. What argument type does setPractices() expect? What does your form class look like? How are you using BeanUtils.copyProperties?

My guess is that you're trying to pass String-based form data into something that expects typed data -- e.g. you're trying to set a String array on something that wants a Practice array or something similar.

In that case, you would need to create and register a BeanUtils converter class that knows how to go from String to Practice (or whatever the case may be).


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