Without seeing the error and the JSP code that generated it, it's hard
to tell you what's wrong. However, remember that Javascript runs on the
client, after the page has been generated. View the page source to see
what the syntax error is. In this case, it's probably the lack of quotes
around the OGNL expression. It may also be that an in-line expression
like that wont work.

Here's a couple of suggestions to try:

     ... onclick="enableField('%{#indexValue}')" ...
     ... onclick="%{'enableField(\'' + #indexValue + '\')'}" ...
     ... onclick="enableField('${indexValue}')" ...

I've tried all your suggested variations, but looking at the source,
all the expressions are passed as a string, there's no evaluation of
the expression. Which, now you've explained that Javascript executes
on the client makes sense. So the question becomes is it possible to
interact with the action stack in Javascript?


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