   This is Vijay and currently using Struts2.0.6 production viersion in my
application development.
I have been used almost all tags in Struts2.0.6 but there are problem in
<s:optiontransferselect> tag. It doesn't include cssClass and cssStyle of
Second Select box at run time.
So Is there any solution for it?
If any one has solved this problem in new version then please let me know.
Even I want to change order of left move and right move button so can i do

I am here giving code for this tag.

<s:optiontransferselect name="systemName" list="systems" multiple="true"
doubleList="systemgroup" doubleMultiple="true" rightTitle="%{getText('
addgroupmanager.apceform.groupsystems')}" buttonCssClass="formInputButton"
allowAddToRight="true" addToRightLabel="%{'> >'}" allowAddToLeft="true"
addToLeftLabel="%{'< <'}" allowUpDownOnLeft="false" allowUpDownOnRight="false"
allowAddAllToLeft="false" allowAddAllToRight="false" allowSelectAll="false"

Please help me ASAP.

Thank you,
Vijay Prajapati

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