hi, on this pg of struts 1.1 documentation, http://localhost/struts-documentation/userGuide/installation.html
(don't know on-line equiv. of this page, as link to 1.1 on this page
http://struts.apache.org/downloads.html#PriorReleases gets you a 404..)

it says where to put jar's, tld's, etc.. but not dtd's... what are dtd's and where do they go? I don't see any ref to dtd's in the documenation..

right now trying to do a simple layout.. (so: using only tiles-related stuff for now..)

but get error:


this error tells me absolutely nothing..  in JSP's I have this directive:

  <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>

as for the rest, I put all jars that come with 1.1 download in WEB-INF/lib/ (don't see a lot of struts-related jars, though, only one (struts.jar); put all tld's in WEB-INF/... but don't know where to put dtd's, (in their own folder? inside WEB-INF/ or inside WEB-INF/lib?? or just in WEB-INF/?)

why can't I find a ref to dtd's -- and an explanation as to what they are for -- in documenation?

using Tomcat 5.5..

thank you very much...

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