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Good answer !
I was near to tear my heair off because of this problem.
There is nowhere in the documentation that's telling that the ajax them is 
for the datetimepicker.
Thank you for your help.

"Julien Leonard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/05/2007 11:10
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Re: datetimepicker tag problem


I had the same problem.
Did you put <s:head theme="ajax" /> tag?
In fact I think that the datetimepicker needs ajax includes.


2007/5/11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> Depuis le 21 décembre 2006, Natexis Investor Servicing s'appelle Natixis
> Investor Servicing. Les adresses mails des collaborateurs ayant changé,
> veillez à la mise à jour de votre carnet d'adresses.
> Hi all,
> I'm simply trying to use the datetime picker tag in my form exactly the
> same
> way in the showcase sample app. It works in the showcase app and fail in
> my example.
> Nothing appears.
> here is an extract of my code.
> s:form action="create">
> <table border=0 width=80% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center>
> <tr nowrap class="datavaluewite" >
>      <td>&nbsp;<b>Auteur : </td>
>      <td align=left>
>      <s:textfield name="article.auteur" size="50"/>
>      </td>
> </tr>
> <tr nowrap class="datavalueblue" >
>     <s:datetimepicker label="With initial date of 1969-04-25 and a 
> format dd/MM/yyyy" name="dddp5" value="25/04/1969"
> displayFormat="dd/MM/yyyy" theme="xhtml"/>
> </tr>
> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
>   <tr>
>      <td></td>
>      <td>
>      <input type=submit value="Ajouter">
>      <input type=submit value="Annuler">
>      </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </s:form>
> can someone tells me if there is something to add in config files or
> somewhere else
> to make it works.
> thanks in advance.
> Meissa
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