The main part I'm having trouble with is keeping the association between the
editable field name and the editable value, so if we start with

Phone1 : 555-12345 

And the user changes the field name and value to be

Fax : 555-12346

Getting the action to recognise that it should update the both values. 

This is part of porting an app to s2, and currently it's don using two input
fields which include an id, so it's basically

<input type="text" name="fieldname_<%=fieldId%>" value="phone1">
<input type="text" name="fieldvalue_<%=fieldId%>" value="555-12345">

Currently the servlet taking the input goes through the servlet request
parameter map and when it finds a request parameter that starts with
fieldname_ it gets the corresponding fieldvalue_ entry and updates the field
record with the id.

If there is a nice way I'd appreciate a pointer because at the moment it
looks like we're going to have to use the same method of going through the
parameter map which feels like it's a bit of a hack and makes unit testing a
bit more tricky.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 May 2007 18:19
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Best method for dynamic fields round trip]

--- Al Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's just what I was looking for, thanks Dave. I was looking for a 
> way to do it with <s:xxx/> tags,
> I'm now more confident it's best done without them as opposed to 
> thinking I might have missed something.

Well, I'm just one opinion :)

It could still be done with the S2 tags if, say, you had a map of dynamic
parameter names (or ids, etc.) and iterate over the map etc.

It may depend more on how the dynamic parameters are defined or declared,
etc. I think either way is acceptable, though (the map idea might be easier
in some ways)... it just depends.


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