--- Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Dave Newton wrote:
>> Someone else may have a better idea, but I think
>> this is just the nature of the way HTTP works: you 
>> can forward or redirect; forward means you get the 
>> same request, redirect means you get a new one.
> I'm not entirely sure this is true, at least not
> through Struts. For instance, I have actions that 
> forward to other actions and add request
> parameters along the way. I do this by returning an
> ActionForward from
> the first action which contains GET-style parameters
> added to the path.
> One way or another, the request as viewed by the
> second action (via
> forward, not redirect) gets those newly-added
> parameters.

Sure, you can *modify* the request, but AFAIK it's
still the same request (at least from a logical
standpoint) as opposed to a redirect which is an
entirely new one.


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