Hi martin,
Yes, Now that I look at Digester's faq, seems like this can be pretty
useful.Once the info in the files are available through java beans, i can
use them anywhere I want using the getter methods.
However, in my current scenario, looks like a simple key value pair, ie
having a .properties file would suit me better.
   public static ResourceBundle confBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("package

   public static String getPropValue(String key){
       String propValue = null;
           propValue = confBundle.getString(key);
       return propValue;
And i could call getPropValue to access the value stored in the .properties
file right?
However, tonight is going to be spent on learning digester:)


On 5/21/07, Martin Kindler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

vikas rao schrieb:
> No, Martin,  I wasnt looking at plain xml reading ,in that case i could
> just
> use a normal parser and get the values right?
> Thanks,
> Vikas.
Yes, sure, you could just use an XML parser and do your own stuff. The
problem with this approach would be that changing your XML structure
would probably mean changing a lot of the processing.

This type of processing is handled by Digester which was originally made
to deal with Struts config files. It will (called at an appropriate time
in your app's lifecycle) convert your configuration information into
(one or several) Java beans which your application can access. Seems for
me exactly the thing you are looking for.

The other question is whether this machinery is worthwhile, if you are
just having a few key-value pairs which probably would be easier be put
into some plain text file (e. g a .properties file).

To give you an example how I do configuration in my Struts (1.x) based
I introduce a plugin where I pass the path of the config-file as a
parameter in struts-config.xml.
In the init-method of the plugin I use digester to transfer the
information from my config file into a configuration bean which is put
into application scope. From there it can be accessed when needed.


> On 5/21/07, vikas rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> Can someone point out a tutorial or some place where I can learn how to
>> read values from a .cfg file?
>> Say I have a Input.cfg file which goes like:
>> <com>
>>  <MyCompany>
>>    <Common
>>      inputDir="C:/vray/xml_files/"
>>       outputDir="C:/xm_output"
>>    />
>> </MyCompany>
>> </com>
>> Now, if I need the inputDir value inside my program, how do I do it?
>> Sorry that this is off topic from struts, but i cant seem to find some
>> sensible help.
>> Any help will be appreciated.
>> Thanks.
>> Vikas.

Martin Kindler
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