2007/5/21, Jim Theodoridis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Antonio Petrelli wrote:
> 2007/5/21, Jim Theodoridis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello
>> I am having the follwoing definition at tiles-defs.xml
>>   <definition name=".content.before.delete" extends=".content">
>>       <put name="body"   value=".cPanel.content.before.delete" />
>>       <put name="message"   value=".msg.content.show" />
>>       <put name="toolbar"   value="{$1}" />
>>   </definition>
>> how can i set that "toolbar" definition will be null?
> What is that "{$1}"? I really cannot understand it.

So you want to put a null value as an attribute?
If it has not been defined in ".content" definition, then you simply need to
remove the <put> element corresponding to the toolbar attribute.
If it already defined in ".content", I think that you cannot do it in the
XML file, but you can still do it by adding a Tiles controller that will
remove that attribute value before rendering definition.

BTW, why do you want to put an attribute with a null value?


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