You might have to post config snippets... I'm assuming
Tiger is the webapp?

Yes, Tiger is the webapp.

My struts.xml contains
<action name="StartOrder"
class="com.mysite.ecommerce.actions.StartOrderAction" method="input">

My is located in WEB_INF/classes along with the
struts.xml file and contains
struts.devMode = true
struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation = true

If I call http://localhost:8084/Tiger/StartOrder.action then I can see
that the input() method is called on StartOrder.action through using
System.out.println(). However
http://localhost:8084/Tiger/StartOrder!input.action gives There is no
Action mapped for namespace / and action name StartOrder!input. -
[unknown location]

Is there anything else you need to see? I don't want to send too much
unneccassary data


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