Dear Martin,
Thanks so much for your kind reply, but unfortunately I didn't understand it and I don't think it answers my question. You might be referring to Struts 2, but I am still using Struts 1.3.8 so my action servlet is declared as follows:

       <!-- ActionServlet class -->

My problem is an applet tag in a JSP. But maybe you did answer and I didn't understand your answer. Could you kindly tell me again?

Thanks so much,
Oren Livne

Martin Gainty wrote:
Good Evening Mr Levine

I wanted to address your question
If we look at the action servlet declaration in /WEB-INF/web.xml we are displayed

Any files with extension of 'action' has an assigned identifier of action
ALL forward which results to extension of action are served by class com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.ServletDispatcher

Does this answer your question?
Martin --
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Oren Livne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject: Problems with an applet inside a struts + tiles jsp

Dear All,

I am writing a Struts 1.3.8 web application. I'm using tiles, and in one of the JSPs participating a tiles definition I placed an <applet> tag. The tiles processor throws a path-not-found-exception, but the page is displayed correctly and the applet works flawlessly. This is the error message I get in my console:

15:22:11,421 INFO InvalidPathExceptionServlet:103 - Requested path was not found: /RU2/error/404 15:22:11,421 INFO InvalidPathExceptionServlet:104 - Requesting user: N/A 15:22:11,421 INFO TilesPreProcessor:216 - Tiles process complete; forward to /WEB-INF/common/tiles/template.jsp

(/RU2 is my context and /error/404 is a path configured in web.xml to handle HTTP 404 codes; so the exception is handled, but I don't even want to see any exception!). Here are the relevant pieces of the code. I would greatly appreciate an advice on how to get rid of this exception. Maybe it's related to my exception handling. I don't know.

Thanks so much in advance,
Oren Livne

- tiles definition: (extends a common definition whose pages don't seem to have any problems)

   <definition name=".demoEE" extends=".parserBaseDef">
       <put name="title"         value="parser.demo.title" />
<put name="content" value="/WEB-INF/parser/jsp/demoEE.jsp" />

- demoEE.jsp: (when I remove the applet tags in the code below, the exception is gone)

Nava L. Livne <i><[EMAIL PROTECTED]></i>
Academic Outreach and Continuing Education (AOCE)
1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-E
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Oren E. Livne <i><[EMAIL PROTECTED]></i>
Academic Outreach and Continuing Education (AOCE)
1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-D
  Protected by U.S. Provisional Patent U-4003, February 2006

Mathematical expression parser demo page with the WebEQ equation editor applet that
generates inputs for the parser.

<%@ page language="java"%>
<%@ page import="net.ruready.struts.common.imports.WebAppNames" %>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="bean"%>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="html"%>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="logic"%>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="c"%>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="fn"%>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="catalog"%>

<%--============================ Useful definitions ==============================--%>



<%--============================ JSP body begins here ============================--%>

Page title and demo instructions
<%-- <center><h1><bean:message key="parser.demo.title" /></h1></center> --%>
<bean:message key="parser.demo.instructions"/>

Top table: submit form + options control
<html:form action="/demoEE">

<%-- Notify the action that the input is in EE format (default value: false) --%>
<html:hidden property="formatEE" value="true" />

<%-- Display validation errors unless this is a fresh form --%>
<logic:equal name="demoForm" property="empty" value="false">
   <span class="error" />

<table width="100%" border="0">
   Form data fields
       <%-- Reference string label --%>
       <th align="left" class="section" width="25%">
           <bean:message key="parser.demo.form.referenceString.label" />

       <%-- Reference string text area --%>
       <td align="left" width="40%">
           <html:hidden property="referenceString" />
           <%-- WebEQ EE applet --%>
           <applet codebase="/RU2/lib"
           archive="WebEQApplet.jar" code="webeq3.editor.InputControl"
           width="700" height="150" name="referenceEE">
           <param name="useslibrary" value="WebEQApplet">
            <param name="useslibrarycodebase" value="">
               <param name="useslibraryversion" value="3,7,0,0">
<param name="toolbar" value="<tb><incl name='#standard'/></tb>" /> <param name="eq" value="<bean:write name='demoForm' property='referenceString' />">
       Vertical space
       <td rowspan="2" valign="top" width="5%">
       Parser Control Options
       <td rowspan="2" valign="top" width="30%">
           <table width="100%" border="0">
               <%-- Title --%>
                   <td colspan="2" align="center" class="options">
                       <bean:message key="parser.demo.options.title" />

               <%-- Implicit multiplication --%>
                   <td align="left" valign="center" class="regtext">
<bean:message key="parser.demo.options.implicitMultiplication.label" />
                   <td align="left">
<html:checkbox name="demoForm" property="implicitMultiplication" />
              <%-- #digits --%>
                   <td align="left" valign="center" class="regtext">
<bean:message key="parser.demo.options.digits.label" />
                   <td align="left">
<html:text name="demoForm" property="digits" size="1" />

               <%-- Arithmetic mode drop-down menu --%>
                   <td align="left" valign="center" class="regtext">
<bean:message key="parser.demo.options.arithmeticMode.label" />
                   <td align="left">
<html:select name="demoForm" property="arithmeticModeStr"> <html:optionsCollection name="${WEBAPPNAMES_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_OLS_PARSER_DEMO_ARITHMETIC_MODES}" />
                       </html:select>           </td>
       <%-- Response string label --%>
       <th align="left" class="section">
           <bean:message key="parser.demo.form.responseString.label" />

       <%-- Response string text area --%>
       <td align="left">
           <html:textarea property="responseString"
           rows="2" styleClass="bigtextarea"
           ><bean:write name="demoForm" property="responseString"
   Submit buttons
       <td colspan="4"><%-- Analyze button --%>
           <input type="hidden" name="method">
            <c:set var="submit_analyze">
                <bean:message key="parser.demo.submit.analyze" />
           <html:submit styleClass="buttondone"
onclick="document.demoForm.referenceString.value = document.referenceEE.getPackedContentMathML();
               document.demoForm.method.value = '${submit_analyze}';
               document.demoForm.submit(); return false;">
               <bean:message key="parser.demo.submit.analyze" />

<%-- Form reset button --%> <html:reset styleClass="buttoncancel">
               <bean:message key="parser.demo.submit.reset" />

Results section
<logic:present scope="request" name="${WEBAPPNAMES_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_TOKEN_PARSER_DEMO_RESULT}">
   <jsp:include page="demoResult.jsp" flush="true" />

- struts config for this module: (doesn't seem to be relevant but for completeness)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.3//EN"

   Parser component:
   Struts configuration descriptor
  Nava L. Livne <i><[EMAIL PROTECTED]></i>
   Academic Outreach and Continuing Education (AOCE)
   1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-E
   University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
  Oren E. Livne <i><[EMAIL PROTECTED]></i>
   Academic Outreach and Continuing Education (AOCE)
   1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-D
  Protected by U.S. Provisional Patent U-4003, February 2006

   Define the SSL constraints around any given action by placing
either 'open' or 'secure' into the uri. See other notes in this file and web.xml for details on total uri path formulation to define SSL configs and
   user ATZ constraints.
  @todo Greg, create a one-pager describing these, place in javadocs.


   <!--     <data-sources /> -->

       Form Beans

       <!-- Contains a single item's properties -->
       <form-bean name="demoForm"
           type="net.ruready.struts.parser.form.DemoForm" />


       Exception Handlers


       <!-- A generic exception that was not caught elsewhere -->
           <exception key="error.Exception" scope="request"

           type="java.lang.Exception" path="/">
           <set-property key="module" value="/error" />

       <!-- A business-logic exception that was not caught elsewhere -->
       <exception key="error.ApplicationException" scope="request"

type="net.ruready.common.ApplicationException" path="/">
           <set-property key="module" value="/error" />

       <!-- Path not found -->
       <exception key="error.InvalidPathException" scope="request"

           <set-property key="module" value="/error" />


       Global forwards (alias for main page, etc.).
       Needs to be placed in every module's Struts
       config unless we use XDoclet to merge
       a global global-forwards.xml file.

       <!-- Parser home page -->
       <forward name="parserHome" module="/parser" path="/"
           redirect="true" />
          <!-- Application home page -->
       <forward name="appHome" module="" path="/"
           redirect="true" />



           Module switching for JSP link access

<!-- Uncomment the following if you need to use <html:link> to a JSP. See the Struts
           Reference Manual, Second Edition, James Holmes, page 127. -->
           <action path="/switchMod"
           type="org.apache.struts.actions.SwitchAction" />

           Convenient aliases (e.g. tiles defs <-> global forwards)

       <!-- Parser home page -->
<!--        <action path="/home" forward="/" /> -->

           Setup and forward to math parser demo

<!-- Item children editing actions (default page + validation) -->
       <action attribute="demoForm" input=".demo"
           name="demoForm" parameter="method"
           path="/demo" scope="request"
           <exception key="error.MathParserException"

               path=".demo" />
           <forward name="demo.view" path=".demo" />
           Setup and forward to math parser demo
           with an equation editor

<!-- Item children editing actions (default page + validation) -->
       <action attribute="demoForm" input=".demoEE"
           name="demoForm" parameter="method"
           path="/demoEE" scope="request"
           <exception key="error.MathParserException"

               path=".demoEE" />
           <forward name="demo.view" path=".demoEE" />


       Resource bundles
   <message-resources parameter="ApplicationResources" null="false" />


   <!-- The validator plug-in -->
   <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
       <set-property property="pathnames"

value="/WEB-INF/common/validator-rules.xml,/WEB-INF/parser/validation-parser.xml" />

   <!-- Tiles plug-in -->
   <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin">
       <set-property property="definitions-config"
           value="/WEB-INF/parser/tiles-parser.xml" />
       <set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" />


- web.xml: (notice the 404 handling section)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="";
   xmlns:xsi=""; version="2.4"


       RUReady Application:
       Web application deployment descriptor
      Nava L. Livne <i><[EMAIL PROTECTED]></i>
       Academic Outreach and Continuing Education (AOCE)
       1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-E
       University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
      Oren E. Livne <i><[EMAIL PROTECTED]></i>
       Academic Outreach and Continuing Education (AOCE)
       1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-D
      Protected by U.S. Provisional Patent U-4003, February 2006


       General web app configuration

   <description>RUReady College Readiness Program</description>

   <!-- Some people say this MIME mapping is important... -->

Session timeout (minutes). Keep it short enough to remove load from the server, but long enough for students that take a long time to think during their tests.
       For testing, set it to 1 to observe upon-session-destroy actions.

A Welcome File List. Files will be attempted to be located in their
       order of appearance.
      Note that home.jsp contains a url redirect over to
      Convention for entrance to any component in RU2:
       - OR -

       Default error page for all exceptions not caught by other things
This is the top level exception handler. Note that modules may also define error-pages. If they don't handle
       the exception, we end up here.    -->




       AJAX APT Framework configuration
EXPERIMENTAL: This parameter is needed to initialize APT. It points to the
   <!-- context-relative confiruation file. -->

       Container-Managed Security Filters
<!-- By convention, secure action URLs should be /OurContext/StrutsModule/secure/ActionName --> <!-- There are some problems with this configuration, so it is not used for now:
       * Note: redirecting back to http for subsequent insecure actions.
       * Authentication filter behaves in an unwanted way. -->
       <description>Secure pages that require SSL</description>

       Struts Action Servlet Configuration

       <!-- ActionServlet class -->

       <!-- Configure Struts modules right below this line -->

           Default module
See section 5.3.2 "Informing the Controller", at for details.
           application home page and other front pages)

       <!-- Content management system: catalog sub-component module -->

       <!-- Question editing module -->

       <!-- Error and exception handling module -->

       <!-- User management module -->

       <!-- Parser (demo and other functions) module -->

       <!-- Necessary for using tiles with Struts 1.3+ -->




       Action URL pattern (a prefix in this case)

       Quartz scheduling library servlet
       <display-name>Quartz Initializer Servlet</display-name>





       Servlets for filtering exceptions not caught by Struts



       Application-context listeners

   <!-- Functions run on init and clean-up of the site -->

   <!-- Updating user status upon login/logout -->

       Servlet filters definitions

       Common component

       Catalog component

<!-- Looks for an item ID request parameter and attaches item object -->



   <!-- Ensure correct custom item type editing page access -->

   <!-- Prepares neccessary data for an item view -->

       User component

   <!-- Increments hit counter -->

<!-- Authenticate a demo user. Actually, it always succeeds. other authentications may fail and forward to the referenced access denied error page. The "onError"
       param is a facade. -->

   <!-- Authorization filters (user+role-based) -->





   <!-- Adds drop-down menu data for user editing forms -->

   <!-- Adds drop-down menu data for user search -->

       Parser component

   <!-- Adds drop-down menu data for parser demo pages and actions -->

       Servlet filters - URL mappings
Important note: Filters are applied to patterns in their order of apperance below. Each component contains a disjoint set of URLs, so we are free to order components as we like; however, the order of filters within a component does matter. Filters are sorted by groups of common functionality (e.g. authentication).

       Common component

       User component

<!-- ########################### Authorization & Authentication ######## -->

   <!-- %%%%%%%% Front pages, don't require a user %%%%%%%%% -->

   <!-- %%%%%%%% Pages accessible by to ALL users %%%%%%%%%% -->
RU2 uri conventions help define SSL config, page authorization, module definitions.

   For actions:
  For views:


       current modules: catalog, common, user, error, question
       current modes: open, secure
       roles are disjoint, not inclusive.
current roles: TEACHER, STUDENT, ADMIN, ALL, FRONT (front is the same as no ATZ required)



   <!-- %%%%%%%% Pages accessible by to STUDENT users %%%%%%%%%% -->



   <!-- %%%%%%%% Pages accessible by to TEACHER users %%%%%%%%%% -->



   <!-- %%%%%%%% Pages accessible by to ADMIN users %%%%%%%%%% -->



   <!-- %%%%%%%% Pages accessible by to SYSTEM users %%%%%%%%%% -->

<!-- Such users cannot log in or have access only to demo pages. For now,
       allow no access to internal pages. -->

<!-- ########################### Gathering statistics ################## -->

   <!-- Hit counter filter applies to front page only -->

<!-- Add user properties' drop-down menus filter to user editing pages --> <!-- The view and edit URLs are separated here because only one of them
       is secure and requires SSL. -->

   <!-- %%%%%%%% Pages accessible by to STUDENT users %%%%%%%%%% -->

<!-- Add user properties' drop-down menus filter to user editing pages -->

   <!-- %%%%%%%% Pages accessible by to TEACHER users %%%%%%%%%% -->

   <!-- %%%%%%%% Pages accessible by to ADMIN users %%%%%%%%%% -->

   <!-- Set up user search page -->

       Question component

   <!-- Apply to the entire question component -->
  <!-- Apply to the entire question component -->

       Catalog component

<!-- ########################### Authorization & Authentication ######## -->

<!-- Apply demo user authentication to all catalog pages so that a demo user can play around with the catalog. WARNING: use in testing only. -->

   <!-- Apply to the entire catalog component -->

   <!-- Apply single item filter to all item views and edit pages -->


<!-- Apply view item data preparation filter all item views and edit pages --> <!-- Depracated, because this spells working outside the Struts framework, which
       is a bad habit. -->

<!-- Item edit pages allow custom pages for some type ==> custom item filter should be applied -->

   <!-- Apply child addition filter to item edit pages -->

   <!-- Item revision history requires an item -->


   <!-- Apply child addition filter to item edit pages -->

       Parser component

@todo: adhere to secure/open URL standards in the parser component. For now, everything is open and no authentication filters are applied.
  <!-- Add parser demo drop-down menus filter to parser demo pages -->


       Tag Library Descriptors


       <!-- Utility Tag Library Descriptors -->

       <!-- Catalog-Component-Related-Tag Library Descriptors -->

       <!-- User-Component-Related-Tag Library Descriptors -->

       <!-- Utility tags -->

       <!-- 3rd party data grid widgets and other assorted controls -->



Oren Livne, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Mathematics
RUReady Software Architect

Academic Outreach and Continuing Education
1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-D
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9399
Tel  : (801) 581-6831     Cell: (801) 631-3885     Fax: (801) 585-5414
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Web:

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Oren Livne, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Mathematics
RUReady Software Architect

Academic Outreach and Continuing Education
1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-D
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9399
Tel  : (801) 581-6831     Cell: (801) 631-3885     Fax: (801) 585-5414
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Web:

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