
Would you be kind enough to try this in 1.3.8? I'd be interested in fixing
this, if you can help me diagnose the issue. After you test in 1.3.8, if it
still happens, please open up a JIRA ticket and attach a sample web page. I
will use that to fix the problem, if it still exists.


On 5/29/07, Adam Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We're using the html:form element and we have the acceptCharset
attribute set to "UTF-8" and when we enter a unicode character in a
textarea in this form element, the UTF-8 character (in this case \u2022,
the bullet symbol:  •) displays correctly.  However, when the form is
submitted, I'm printing out the bean property for this textarea and I'm
finding that Struts has broken up the UNICODE character into 3 separate
characters:  •.

We have the Content-Type meta tag set to the UTF-8 charset on the JSP
and we've set the @page directive for contentType also to "text/html;
charset=UTF-8".  We've found a workaround, but it's totally a hack as we
basically remove all encodings and then reconstruct the string from a
byte array.

Anyone have an idea as to what might be going on and why Struts appears
to be mucking with the encoding?  Thanks.


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