Yes, the interface to your action is a File. The default implementation uses the ServletFileUpload servlet from apache-commons-fileupload which does create a temporary file. You can switch to other implementations or configurations by changing some struts2 properties but the fileupload interceptor interface is still a File, not an InputStream. Personally I'd prefer the temporary file over an in-memory buffer, and prefer a temporary file in a safe part of the filesystem rather than allowing the file to be written elsewhere by the servlet.

However, it seems you have a lot of control over the implementation if this is a problem:

Hoying, Ken wrote:
As I am reading up and looking into the file upload support in S2, it
appears that files are uploaded to a temporary area and then deleted
when control is returned from the action.  It would seem then that if I
wanted to keep the file, that I then need to copy it again to somewhere
else.  Is this understanding correct?  This seems a bit inefficient to
me, especially for larger files.
Thanks in advance.


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