Before I begin, I apologize if I offend anyone by asking a question
that could easily be found in the Struts 2 documentation by searching
for the correct keywords, and, no, I did not read the entire Struts
documentation nor any other Struts textbook (though I did read and
appreciate a good chunk of the Starting Struts 2 book).

See code below (numbered with cat -n).
Lines 0,1 work well. Lines 4,7,8 don't work. For line 4, I also tried
%{}, <%= %>. For line 7/8 I tried device[i].
Can someone tell me the correct way to escape/access the JSP variables
inside a Struts tag, and a Struts property (from a getter) in JSP?


0          PIN1: <s:property value="device[0].PIN"/>
1          Total Count: <s:property value="deviceCount"/>
2          <TABLE>
3                  <%
4                  for ( int i = 0; i < deviceCount; i++ ) {
5                          %>
6                          <TR>
7                                          <TD><s:property
8                                          <TD><s:property
9                                  </TR>
10                          <%
11                  }
12                  %>
13          </TABLE>

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