Thanks for your reply!

I now have:
        <s:url id="url" action="<%=action%>">
                <s:param name="pName" value="pVal" />
        <s:a href="%{#url}">
                <jsp:doBody />
where <%=action%> is passed into the tag file with:
        <%@ attribute name="action" %>

This generates the desired <a href>, except that the param values
don't show up in the URL (ie ?pName=pVal).

Also, the documentation on <s:a> mentions I need <s:head theme="ajax">.
Is it true, or does <s:a> work with other themes?
<s:head theme="ajax"> includes a bunch of .js files that aren't there.
Where do I get the js files from, and do I really need them?

On 6/7/07, Musachy Barroso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
s:url just builds a url string an pushes it into the stack, to generate an
anchor, use the s:a tag:

<s:url id="myurl" value="" />
<s:a href="%{#myurl}">Goolgle</s:a>


On 6/7/07, yitzle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The URL tag isn't working right for me. I have:
>         <s:url value=""; />
> The generated HTML is:
> No <a href>'s. What am I doing wrong?
> P.S. This code is being ran via a tagfile <jsp:doBody>, but I doubt
> that affects anything.

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