
About your value stack question:
I think you can use <s:push /> (http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/push.html) to add values to the stack, so they can be used by other struts tags afterwards.


setecastronomy wrote:
I'm new to Struts 2.0 and I have to difficulties in finding good tutorials.
I have many doubts on the best way to perform some actions.
For example I have the following line inside one jsp page:

<s:property value="montlyDeltaMinutes"/>

It accesses a property in the action of integer type. They are minutes but I
wuold like to represent them as XX:YY where XX are the hours. Surely I can
code the function "getMontlyDeltaMinutesAs_XX_YY_String"
in the action but I would mix model and presentation. I think it is better
to use a special tag for formatting but I have no idea on how to do it.

The OGNL stack is somewhat misterious to me so I'm looking for a code
snippet to display everything on it.
I was quite surprised jsp variables such as <%! String aName = "Filippo";%>
are not known to struts tags. Is there a way to use them, for example,
inside an <s:if > tag ?

Thanks for any help

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