
I'm wondering "how much" Struts 2 depends upon Servlet API 2.4 and JSP API

Reason I ask is, I've managed to get a Struts 2 application running on our
client's current production App Server, which is  Oracle Application Server
10.1.2, although that App server only provides J2EE 1.3 compliance. 

I had to use JDK 1.6 for the container's JVM, due to a PermGen memory
problem in JDK 1.5, but it all seems to work, including ajax components and
I haven't found any problems - yet. 

I'm hoping to use this configuration as upgrading to the JSP 2.0-compatible
Oracle App Server 10.1.3 is significantly harder.

Can anyone provide an idea of whether the Struts 2 dependencies on Servlet
API 2.4 and JSP API 2.0 are "prolific", or whether we can avoid certain
modules that use these APIs? 

I realise it might be a difficult question, so extra thanks for any help!

Kind regards

Falun Dafa  Truth - Compassion - Forbearance

A mind & body practice under persecution in China


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