Hi Priya,

I had a similar experience to Jeff...  We've used Struts 1 on several
projects and had to choose whether to go with Struts 2 for our current
project. We went with Struts 2 and have been happy with the decision, but
there were pros and cons: 

Pros of Struts2 (IMHO):
- flexible Interceptor stacks mean you can configure different of
interceptors per action... Neat and powerful.

- the Value Stack and OGNL save a lot of coding... No longer any need to
write everything to the request in your Action just access it in your JSP
page. Simply add get functions to your actions (or model bean if you use
ModelDriven) and the JSP page will be able to access the variables. Very

- Struts 2 creates an instance of the target Action per request. This means
no more multithreaded coding restrictions for you Actions! This has been a
great plus... You can now use full inheritance hierarcy for your actions,
which means you can put common member variables / functions in a common
BaseAction class. This reduces clutter in your actions and makes them much
more easy to understand and maintain.

- The HTML that struts 2 tags is template-driven. This means that if you
have any problems with what the struts2 tags are generating, you can change

- community support for Struts 2 has been good.

- We've been using Struts 2.0.6, which seems pretty solid, but we had some
problems with advanced features not behaving the way we expected. We managed
to get Ajax DIV refreshes and tabbed panels working after some time figuring
out the exact incantation. But some other nice-to-have components don't seem
to be production-ready, eg <s:datetimepicker>. Apart from being buggy when
not using the standard US date format, it seems to slow down page rendering
by 1-3 seconds.

- OGNL takes a bit of getting used to.

- we got bitten by the dependency on JDK 1.5. Our S2 web app worked fine on
Tomcat 5.5, but our client's production application server (Oracle AS
10.1.2) didn't support JDK 1.5 by default, and I've spent the last 2 weeks
coming up with a satisfactory workaround.

Overall, I'm happy we decided to go with Struts 2, as it seems to save
coding time and ends up with neater, more maintainable code.


Falun Dafa  Truth - Compassion - Forbearance

A mind & body practice under persecution in China


-----Original Message-----
From: Sivapatham, Hari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 19 June 2007 1:31 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Struts1 and 2

Thanks a lot Jeff. You have confirmed my guess (its got to be better and not
all that different to use, right :). I hope other users can chime in as

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Amiel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 11:23 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts1 and 2

On 6/18/07, Sivapatham, Hari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Martin. I did look at the comparison. However as I don't know 
> struts1, I am not able to judge whether a struts1 user would find
> struts2 concepts to be pretty much the same or radically different and

> hard to follow. I am looking for user perspective on how much of the 
> knowledge gained from struts1 can be applied to struts2.

We are/have been a struts 1 shop for years....
While we didn't use all of the struts 1 bells and whistles that  were
available,  we did make good use of it.

Just started experimenting with struts 2 over last few weeks.  You will feel
right at home.  All of the differences (so far) have been welcome additions.
We were heavy users of dynaaction forms....and not having to establish all
that configuration (just put the elements as class variables for the action)
was a real time-saver.  Plus the ajax theme stuff that makes it SOOO easy to
have the results of an action simply update a div on the jsp is super slick
(we did that before with home grown ajax via dwr, but with struts2, it is a

It's not as totally different as some people make out.  You have still have
JSP's that submit data to actions which then result in returns to JSP's.
(or xhtml/freemarker as you see fit).  I have had a very pleasant time over
the last few weeks...making careful note of where I DON'T have to write code
anymore and struts2 asserts it's 'convention over configuration'  power.

Good luck!

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