Hack Alert:

   public String exportCSV() throws Exception {
// Search based upon the entered criteria // TODO: pass the previously found List in, instead of performing the locate again // Use the Criteria, create a list of transactionBeans, and return it
       UserBean user = (UserBean) super.getLoginUser();
       this.transList = transService.locate(transaction, user);

// This is Kludgey for Struts 2. Rework the proper way when you get a chance...
       HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse();
       if (this.transList != null)
//             Now...Let's Export the son of a gun
           if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
           logger.debug("Exporting Tables to Disk... ");
           ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
//             Set the output data's mime type
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "filename=\"Transactions.csv\"");
           out.println("Tracking #,Ext Auth #,Debtor Name");
           Iterator iter = transList.iterator();
           while (iter.hasNext())
               TransactionBean trans = (TransactionBean)iter.next();
               out.println(trans.getTrackingNumber() + "," +
                   trans.getVendorTrackingNumber() + "," +
           return null;
addActionError("No results were returned based upon the search criteria supplied.");
           return "locsearch-error";

newton.dave wrote:
--- Musachy Barroso <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://www.nabble.com/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=post&post=11198867&i=0>> wrote:
> Or you can write your own result, and generate the
> CSV file there (reusable, clean, bla bla)

I did that, to a very small degree (not to the extent
of JSONResult; I'm lazy) but haven't gotten around to
cleaning it up yet--it's pretty hacky.

Someone should go ahead and write a real version :D

It seemed a bit much for the current question under
discussion, I thought :)


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