Hi there,

I am having some really stupid issues -- I am using Struts 1.2, and I have
an action
that does the following:

   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

           ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
           messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE,new ActionMessage("
           saveMessages(request, messages);

           return mapping.findForward("failure");


The relevant JSP section looks like this:

<logic:messagesPresent message="true" >

           <td colspan="2"><font color="red"><bean:message key="errorTitle"
       <html:messages message="true" id="my_messages"   >

               <td><font color="red"><bean:write name="my_messages"


All resources keys are available etc...  When the Action executes, I get the

2007-06-20 00:06:52.051::WARN:  Nested in javax.servlet.ServletException:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean my_messages in any scope:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean my_messages in any scope
   at org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.lookup(TagUtils.java:934)
   at org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.WriteTag.doStartTag(WriteTag.java:225)

The error appears to be around the <bean:write name="my_messages" /> tag.
If I replace the bean:message tag with just a XXXXXX string,
the XXXXXX appears, and there are no exceptions...

So, WHAT GIVES??  I have tried just about everything at this point, and am
getting desperate...

Thanks, Alex.

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