Skip Hollowell wrote:
So now my question is ... how? I have a list of 5000 records. I want to initially show them a 100 of these records, with a nice Prev / Next feature. 1. Where / how do I safely store this list for this user? Obviously it needs to be saved somewhere so it is not lost once the request is done. Is this something that should be dropped into the session? Or is there a Struts way of doing things like this?

As always, it depends. You need to consider how big the records actually are, how many concurrent users you have and how interactive you want the user's experience to be.

Here's some options:
1. store your results in the http session. This takes no effort but won't scale very well. 2. Look at the paging implementation provided by displaytag. The default behaviour loads all data and pages through it for you. 3. pass all the results to the client in one request. Use a javascript widget to page through the results entirely on the client. This would be great if its not too much data to download 4. if you're using an ORM framework like hibernate or toplink, enabling an object cache or query cache may achieve the effect you desire without having to write any custom code (WRT hitting the database once and then not needing to access it again for each page)

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