I have a package defined as follows:

<package name="design" namespace="/Design" extends="struts-default">

       <action name="selectCustomer">

      <action name="selectLocation">


I am using the name space to encapsulate the JSP from the user.

When I create a form using struts tags like this:

<s:form action="selectLocation">  <s:form>

The 'action' is rendered as follows:

<form id="selectLocation" name="selectLocation" onsubmit="return
true;" action="/WebTest/Design/selectLocation.action" method="post">

Which is correct.  However if I specify the name space in the action
attribute like this:

<s:form action="/Design/selectLocation">  <s:form>

The following will render:

<form id="selectLocation" name="selectLocation" onsubmit="return
true;" action="/WebTest/Design/selectLocation" method="post">

With out the .action appended to the URL.

I plan on having a selectLocation action in several different name
spaces.  If I render the form the first way:

<s:form action="selectLocation">  <s:form>

How will struts know which name space I am referring to?  It seems
that I cannot hard code the name space or the .action will not appear.
I could hard code the .action but I would prefer not to in case this
.action extension ever changes.

Thank you,


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