--- Richard Sayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With #7/#8.  If petsDao.pets is an ArrayList 
> does listKey="fieldName" and listValue="fieldName2" 
> mean that to get these values, call getFieldName()
> getFieldName2() on the objects stored in the


>> listKey: Property of list objects to get field
>> from
>> listValue: Property of list objects to get field
>> content from

> IF so, do I need to use generics so it knows what
> object to expect?

Generics where; on the ArrayList (I'm assuming you
mean List anyway) being returned (by petDao in this
example)? I don't think you *need* to, but you might
*want* to on general principle. The underlying code is
using reflection anyway; otherwise how could it work?

> If I have a Hashtable<Integer,String> with the
> following data:
> 1,"One"
> 2,"Two"
> 11,"Eleven"
> Is it possible to make the select box display the
> data sorting by id or sorting by value?

Only if you apply ordering somehow; hashes are
non-ordered by default.


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