hmm page not updated in a while. Maybe not worth if that's the case.

On 7/6/07, Peng Tuck Kwok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You could possibly use Cewolf, which provides a set of tag libraries that
you can you to display a chart in your jsp page. Link is 
I've played with it a while back and it did seem easy to get a simple chart
up. Worth a look if you ask me.

On 7/5/07, Andreja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an action where I create graph(s), and I need to display them
> in the page. It is ArrayList<JFreeChart> that I need to show, but for
> the start I will try to display only one graph.
> Action code goes like this:
> public class ChartDisplayAction () {
>   ...
>   execute() {
>      HttpSession session = servletRequest.getSession();
>     JFreeChart mygraph = ...creating graph...
>     BufferedImage myBuffered = mygraph.createBufferedImage (600, 400);
>     session.setAttribute("myBuffered", myBuffered);
>   }
>   ...
> }
> .jsp page code:
> <img src="<%=session.getAttribute("myBuffered")%>" border=0
> usemap="#imageMap">
> Obviously, I am making the mistake here (most probably when I am
> trying to put myBuffered in session scope), but chart that I want to
> display is not in file, it is in a stream, and there must be a way to
> pass the stream to .jsp page. How do I do that?
> Thanks!
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