Bill Johnson schrieb:
I'm having the same problem and it appears to be
because the default theme is requiring DOJO to
automatically select all the select options before
submitting the form. I'm not sure if there is a JIRA
bug opened for this or not, but there probably should
be. The default (non-ajax) theme should not require
DOJO for the optionstransferselect tag to work.

I think the way to fix this is to have the default
theme use plain JavaScript to do the "select all"
functionality and not DOJO.


Without using dojo, it's quite complicated to code a generic solution
for the tag as it is now. Dojo allows you to add one or more event
listeners, and that is done with the selectAllOptionsExceptSome
function: it is bound to the onsubmit event with dojo.event.connect,
with the needed code being able to be bound to the component template.

Coding the needed javascript by hand, might cause trouble in future when
implementation details might be changed. So maybe using dojo for adding
a js event model to your page is not the worst option ...

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
I have a problem with the optiontransferselect tag.
When I click on the submit button,nothing is set on
the listeSelectedKeys attribute of my updateActionClass.
Can someone tells me what i've missed.
here is an extract of my jsp.

<s:form action="updateExtraction" >
<s:optiontransferselect headerValue="--- Veuillez selectionner un compartiments ---" headerKey="-1"
listKey="id" buttonCssClass="bouton" cssStyle="width: 350px;" allowSelectAll="false" doubleList="listeCompartiments" doubleName="listSelectedKeys"
 doubleHeaderValue="--- Veuillez selectionner un
compartiments ---"
 doubleCssStyle="width: 350px;"
/> <s:submit cssClass="bouton" type="submit" value="Modifier" /> </s:form>

thank in advance.


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