Hello Chad, hello Yoge,

thanks for your hints!
meanwhile, I could find a third solution:

<logic:iterate name="foo" id="object" type="my.url.classname">
    <html:textarea ... rows="<%= object.getRows() %>" />

Another solution should be to use EL:

    <html:textarea ... rows="${object.rows}"/>

But this solution doesn't work for me (the string ${object.rows} appears
unchanged after rows=) , though I'm using tomcat 5.5 and struts 1.2.9..

May be, it should be written as:

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html-el.tld" prefix="html-el" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic-el.tld" prefix="logic-el" %>

<logic-el:iterate name="foo" id="object" type="my.url.classname">
    <html-el:textarea ... rows="${object.rows}" />

(from: http://entwickler-forum.de/showthread.php?t=33417 )

Kind regards,
Andreas Hartmann

Chad S. Lauritsen wrote:
> Another way to do it (with a little bit less java) is:
> <logic:iterate name="foo" id="object">
>    <bean:define id="rows" name="object" property="rows" />
>    <html:textarea ... rows='<%=rows%>' />
> </logic:iterate>
>> Hello!
>> I've got a problem to get a value within a logic:iterate construction 
>> (foo is an ArrayList <Object>):
>> <logic:iterate name="foo" id="object">
>>    <html:textarea ... rows='<bean:write name="object" property="rows"/>' />
>> </logic:iterate>
>> This does not work.
>> How must it been written to address the method getRows() in the object,
>> which has been defined by id in logic:iterate?
>> Kind regards,
>> Andreas Hartmann

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